Strategy Pattern
Basic understanding
Basic understanding
Distribution Strategy A TPU has eight different cores and each of these cores acts as its own accelerator. (A TPU is sort of like having eight GPUs in one...
To use TPU we need to check the hardware and define the distribution strategy.
Basics of tensor
The most common ways to overfit data is to train and test in the same data. One solution to solve this problem is to use the cross validation.
Input Data We are given a small dataset. The inputs represent temperature, rainfall, humidity. And output is the yield of orange and apple.
We have a function called get token features. It creates an empty array of zeros. Each question is split into tokens. If any of the question is null, then th...
Reshape There are many ways to change the shape of tensor. One way to do that is by using a reshape function. Lets create a tensor of shape 4x3
Rank The rank of a tensor refers to the number of dimensions present within the tensor. A tensor’s rank tells us how many indexes are needed to refer to...
Here is a basic class in python. There are two functions in the class. One for setting value and other for getting value.
1.4 Real world business problems and constraints Given a file we need to determine if it belongs to any of the given nine type of malwares. We need to min...
In the last blog we have seen that the accuracy was not getting more than 10%. This was happenning because the neural network we choosed for the process was ...
Sometimes while training a neural network, we need to stop the training when certain conditions are met. An example to that is achieving a particular accurac...
Simple neural network to predict house price
Steps in calibration we first build a model on D_train and now we do cross validation on D_cv and get yi_hat. Now we make a table of sorted yi_hats whic...
Data frame is a main object in pandas. It is used to represent data with rows and columns. Data frame is a datastructure that represent the data in tabular o...
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets, neighbors # from mlxtend.plotting i...
Sample text for processing
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) is a weight indicating how commonly a word is used. The more frequent its usage across documents, the lower its score. ...
What is term frequency?
The USE command is used to load a database eg: USE imdb;
Regular expression is a special sequence of characters that helps us in matching or finding other strings or set of strings , using a specialized syntax held...
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